From $0 to $50,000 - Week 1
I decided to start a new journey - make $50k on Solana Memecoins, Airdrops, and everything related to Solana Memecoins.
This is my journey from $0 to $50,000 via memecoins on Solana. I am going to create weekly posts and share my results and, of course, the process of how I got it.
So, I started a week ago and participated in a few airdrops.
I got a 30M $BONK airdrop as a Saga owner (Solana Mobile).
I also participated in the BONKmas - BONK rewards event.
You had to do some simple on-chain and off-chain tasks:
Stake some BONK on MarginFi
Buy art for BONK on Exchange Art
I’ve completed half of the tasks and received 38.8M BONK, which cost around $750.
In addition, I staked a few of my Danger Valley Ducks and received some BONK.
In total, I have 70M BONK. I loaned all of it on MarginFi to earn points there and get their token drop once they launch it.
I’ve received three GECKO drops as a holder of different NFT collections on Solana. I think two of them were because I hold two SMB Gen3 NFTs. And the third one - I don’t even know, maybe FFF :)
430,000 $GECKO in total.
I claimed 100,000 $ACS as a Saga owner. You can also claim here if you have a Solana Mobile phone.
It looked a bit scammy to claim an unknown token from the main wallet (you can’t use a burner there), but it worked fine for me.
Check if your wallets are eligible here: (referral link, I’ll get some too).
I claimed 270,000 tokens and decided to give 10% to Memo, who told me about this airdrop. Remaining analoS I’ve just swapped to USDC and got 130 $USDC. We’ll see what I can buy for it.
Got an airdrop of 690,420 $CHONKY. Now it is worth $24. Free cash.
Not gonna sell it for now; we’ll see what it can do in 1-2 weeks.
Upcoming drops and plans
I am waiting for $GOO, $PRNT, $JUP.
I am thinking about $Parcl, but I have not started to earn points yet.
I'm also trying to get as much as possible for Danger Valley Ducks holders. As I am one of the whales, I’ll also get the airdrops :)
And I am registered on DopTest. I need three referrals - It’s not Solana, but they will have some airdrop on their network. You have to complete a few simple on-chain tasks and invite three friends.
Current Vault
70M $BONK = $1105
$430,001 $GECKO = $184
130 $USDC = $130
690,420 $CHONKY = $24
100,000 $ACS = $342
Total: $1785.
Good start! Subscribe to read weekly posts about my journey from $0 to $50,000 on Memecoins!